A beautiful four letter word that captured many imaginations. What is it? a definition, you have? dictionaries have; people who have a Home experienced it.
Is it a building? Is it a person? Is it a group? an ideology? God? Who knows?It can be all of these or none of these.
A place where I can be myself; I am not judged ; I am not only loved, but even appreciated for what I have & bring.
Sadly families are less and less homes; Not only because there are conflicts; Even loving ones, youngsters don’t find it as home; strange, but true. It’s not the fault of anyone, but a fact.
Search and find Home for you.
A place/person where you can be you.
where you are not judged, but loved.
not judged, but challenged.
not judged, but embraced to fly.
not judged, but you truly become what God intends for you.
(I just wrote this as this theme repeatedly comes back to me in my thoughts. One of my dreams in my youth ministry was.. can youth at least check and see whether youth groups or church be a Home. We speak about many changes that need to happen in us, but Home is a very essential base that’s important for change, growth and flourishing.)