How do you still love me?
A question to Jesus
Arun : Hey Jesus, in advent and lent, there is a huge queue for confessions; i see queues at every season in some places. We commit sins and we ask pardon, and we do it even outside our confession. Sometimes, I wonder, why I repeat the same sins or addictions or why I can’t overcome them? Or even, how can you still love me?
Jesus: You didn’t even greet me, ha ha!
Arun: My friends might say it is normal.
Jesus: I too never said anything against it, but stated the fact; and then you have too many questions. Probably I answer the most basic one, which is the last one? How can I love you?
Arun: Oh yes, that is the most difficult to understand; why you love? Incomprehension is there in my difficulty to overcome some of the struggles; but greater in your willingness to love.
Jesus: I love you for who are you. I love you for who you can become. Who are you and who you can become has a certain connection to your sin, but you exaggerate it too much. It has a greater connection to God’s love in your heart. I surely don’t like the sin, but that is no reason to hate the infinitely more beautiful in you. Look through my eyes; it will help you.
Arun: Thank you Lord; it’s a good lecture, as some of my friends tell me when I say something.
Jesus: Excuse me! I love what I see; you struggle to see that; Just a little bit of cleaning is required in your sight.
Arun: Jokes apart, it is quite complicated, but super cool. Need to try it out more.