In you, I find Joy

I = Father

arun simon
2 min readJan 14, 2025

In You, I find my joy (En toi, je trouve ma joie)

I translated the French translation of a familiar Biblical text into English. Before reading further, ask yourself; Who is You there in the phrase? Who is I there ?

In You, I find my joy

If it was asked to me, my immediate answer would have been (since it is from Bible) : You denotes God or Jesus; I denotes each person or a certain prophet or author of a certain book. The normal English biblical translation is

with you I am well pleased. (Lk 3, 22)

This is the last verse of the Baptism scene; the voice from the heaven says, this is my beloved son, with you, I am well pleased. Now You denotes Jesus; I denote father. I find French version much more evocative than the English version.

Father finds joy in the beloved son (Jesus)

Many might not have difficulty in that statement. But let’s push it further. Is this promise limited to Jesus? Most wouldn’t have any difficulty in saying that “you are my beloved child” is also applicable to all of us, especially through Jesus and our own baptism. But what about the second part?

Father finding joy in each one of us.

To the extent we are holy, the father finds joy in us. Since Jesus was holy, that statement is fully applicable to the Jesus; to us, it is applied in varied degrees. Whether this makes sense for you all ? Probably a part of me believes this and that is the struggle too. And a part of me likes not to accept this interpretation.

Joy of the father in me is always there. Father finds Joy in me, the person. Father may not appreciate everything I do; but Father always finds the joy in me.

Do I find Joy in myself? Do others find joy in me? Do I find joy in others? All these questions can be asked….

Many a times, we live our lives trying to prove to the Father (and the world) that we are good Christians. Probably this idea is quite freeing for many of us. Father finds Joy in me. And can I too find that joy in me? May be in that joy (free gift), I can live my Christian life much more beautifully.

It is not a life to prove something to someone. It is a life in Joy, a Joy father has on me. And in the Joy, live becomes much sensible, even in the midst of all struggles.



arun simon
arun simon

Written by arun simon

A Jesuit with all the crazyness… Loves Jesus…Loves church, but loves to challenge too… Loves post modern philosophy & Gilles Deleuze.. Loves deep conversations…

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