Jesus, give us some interesting Signs
Nothing doing….Open your eyes and look around ! ! !
Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from you.” He answered, “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.” (Mathew 12, 38–39)
One of my normal reaction was…. “those foolish pharisees; can’t they believe Jesus? Why are they asking for signs?”The pharisee critiquing Christians like me still have this tendency to ask for signs. And we want some super-cool signs to believe.
What are the options I give to Jesus? He can do some miraculous healing; or he can turn the Holy Communion into the body of Christ (really); or he can give any interesting prophecy/knowledge; Or atleast do something different, cool, interesting and admirable. But Jesus is so lazy and he says, “Sorry, my dear friend… you are not going to get any special sign.”
Bible reveals enough signs (miraculous too), which pharisees fail to see. Or they wanted something more extraordinary. And the tradition conditions. We are equally blind like the pharisees.
- Crisis/war situation for many human beings resulting in the creation of refugees and migrants
- Socio-ecological Crisis
- Abuse of power in different circles
- Victims of all kinds of violence
- Abortion
- Social and economic inequality
- Fascism and fundamentalism
- Sexual abuse crisis
- Discrimination suffered by different groups of people based on gender, sexual orientation etc.
I avoided the positive ones for another time. Can you and I recognise these above mentioned options as signs ? Or as areas where God is suffering along with those who are suffering? May be, that radical ability to recognise the signs of times and act — which is also seeing the presence of Holy Spirit — save Christians (and thereby Christianity).