Peace as a gift
Blessed are the peacemakers
One of the most interesting beatitude for me is, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God”. Why “establishing peace” is such a difficult thing? Or a better question is, “is it possible to establish peace?” I remember attending a course on Raimundo Panikkar. Johnson Puthenpurackal, based on Panikkar gives 9 sutras for peace.
1) Peace is participation in the harmony of the rhythm of being.
2) There is a non-dualistic relationship between outer peace and inner peace. It is difficult to live without outer peace; it is impossible to live without inner peace.
3) Peace is neither conquered for oneself, nor imposed on others; rather it is received and discovered. As we receive the gift of peace, we have the responsibility to maintain and to enhance it.
4) Victory never leads to peace.
5) Military disarmament is possible only with cultural disarmament. With the help of reason, one gets a superiority complex, which has to be disarmed.
6) No one in isolation can resolve the problems of the world.
7) Peace pertains to the order of “mythos”, and not of “logos”. There is no single concept of peace having a precise meaning with definite boundary. It is not a concept that belongs to logos. A myth is beyond all definitions, as it is the horizon of definition.
8) Religion is a way to peace. Religion has to be understood, not merely as a ‘way of salvation,’ but as a ‘way of peace.’
9) Forgiveness, Reconciliation and ongoing dialogue lead to peace.
(Some terms might be a little complicate for some without some understanding in philosophy. But i think a perfect understanding is not the point, but we need to get that sense/intuition of Panikkar).
Peace is a gift. It can’t be created or established. We can start processes which may lead to peace.
If you are living in peaceful society, thank God for that great blessing and continue to enhance it.
If you are not, start efforts to create processes and communities that dream of peace, and hopefully Peace can be received as a gift.