Signs of hope
Do they still exist?
I was reading a French article titled Nous est-il encore permis d’espérer ? (Is it still possible to hope??). As we begin the new year, there are so many instances around the world which are giving only options to be hopeless. Wars in different parts of the world, signs of unrest, violence in different parts which may or may not be reported, growing feelings of right wing nationalism around the world and many more. You may call me a pessimist for seeing only these global signs and to worry about them; you may call it as a perspective. These facts do remain and it can’t be forgotten. Along with these, we can add struggles in our own personal, professional, familial and societal life. Yes, situations may not be seem so great. Let me not deny the existence of many positive instances too. In the midst of such a mixed reality, which can be aligned to the positive or negative, how can we continue to hope? Or is hope required?

These quotes can be a starting point, but for many they still remain too abstract or idealistic. We cant leave it there.
- From a Biblical perspective, it speaks of three virtues — faith, hope and love. And they are rooted in God. Many will attest to the fact their experiences of God’s love and trust in God help them to continue to live the life in hope, even in the midst of all struggles. Hope is not denying those struggles; hope can exist despite them (easy to say and preach, but many live it).

2. The above article speaks of various moments of hope in our own personal lives. Those memories can empower us to continue to hope. Memories are not dead and gone, but they do possess the power to strengthen us. People may doubt the power of positive memories, but none of the painful ones in our lives. We can heal of the power of our negative experiences; positive ones can continue to nourish us, and our lives. It’s not an invitation to live in the glories of the past, but to let those energies to live our lives in the present in an hopeful manner.

3. Our friends and relationships, our solidarity with them can be a tremendous source of hope in our lives. We might have heard so many couples or friends saying that the presence of the “significant other” helped them to stay on. It’s further true that hope reinforces and strengthens our relationships and solidarity further.

4. Hope is still possible. Many people in the midst of darkest crises of their lives are the best testimonies to it. People like Victor Frankl who could forgive the murderers of his family during WWII, still find meaning in life and live it fully. There are innumerable testimonies of forgiveness after a disaster leading to beauty in the world. Brokenness doesn’t mean it is the end; it can be a new beginning too. Jesus at the cross is the best witness to that. It didn’t end in a hopeless death, but in a hope-filled resurrection.

Yes hope is not easy, but it is possible. It is required too.