Three points to clarify...
1. There are different people like Govindappa and their services should be lauded. But the charism of Mother Theresa and her sisters are a different lot. They loved the people, whom nobody wished to love. That was the primary thing.
2. The question of India done nothing. It is not that Indian government has not done anything, but not sufficient enough, especially to reach many of the poorest. Inmates received at her place good treatment. I won't say that is the best of the world class hospitals, but far better than streets and many a times, the government hospitals.
3. I said their financial management might not be the best ; it doesn't mean they were quacks or did financial irregularities.
Another point may be... when you compare an old age home or orphanages in India with that of some of the western countries, there are many differences. In many of the Western countries, they are government sponsored. Diploma is compulsory for all the people working there and so on. This is not the case in India. They may have some trained people. Others are earlier inmates or voulnteers, who work with a lot of goodwill. We can always argue that it is better to train them. Yes, definitely. And secondly, the ratio of inamates to volunteers will be very high;
I rest my case. When I easily agree that mangament may not be the efficient way in many of their organisations, the accusations of them being fraud and all is too far-stretched.