Unnecessary Culpability to Joy
Embracing the pardon freely given
I have heard this quote quite often; yes, it is a slightly old one. This is also repeated by other persons in the contemporary times. This may be true in relation to some sexual acts (especially those outside marriage). But, beyond that, I find this quote a little complicated to believe.
From my experiences in confession (I am not revealing any secrets), people does have a sense of sin; all of us may not stop all our sins after one confession (this was true at all ages). But one of the sad striking features I have seen in confessions is the amount of culpability people carry.
Culpability: the fact that someone deserves to be blamed or considered responsible for something bad.
Yes, there needs to be a culpability when I did something wrong. But we at times suffer from extreme culpability. Even when I am the victim; even when I am forgiven/done rectification; and in some imaginary, created, fictional scenarios.
Jesus of the gospel doesn’t add any burden to our already exhaust list. If you can/need to, do a confession. If you don’t have that chance (or don’t want to do for whatever reasons), accept the faults and ask pardon. Embrace the forgiveness and pardon offered to us; move on from unnecessary culpability to living our life more freely and joyfully.
I have come to give life and life in its fullness (Jn 10, 10)
The birth of the child Jesus brings joy, peace, love and hope. Just like sin doesn’t have a place there, unnecessary culpability too. In that pardon freely given, we can be converted and transformed.