Where there is love, there is need for disorder also

arun simon
2 min readMar 11, 2024


I read this quote on a book by Fr Bobby Jose (book is in Malayalam, but quote in English); googled it to find out the author; couldn’t trace it. But I find the quote quite interesting.

The above quotation is a beautiful invitation or an ideal for the Christian living. A good question to ask is, what is this perfection? Is it the perfection of science, where I conduct an experiment with almost 100% precision and accuracy ? Or is it perfection of technology where I can manufacture a product with precise specifications? Or is it precisely following all the commandments and rules (even the smaller ones) with absolute precision? Or is it some sort of perfection in love which may or may not align with other degrees or styles of perfection?

This quote from Luke may be helpful in giving an understanding of perfection. Yes, its the perfection of love and mercy, where things can be dirty. Take parables of prodigal son or of the good Samaritan; those absolutely awesome models of faith are far from scientific or technological or legal understanding of perfection. Many of the saints who makes their hands dirty and serve for others are models of perfection. Those simple care takers who take care their loved ones (a task which can be monotonous, boring at times) are models of perfection.

Yes where there is love, there is much scope for disorder. Love includes disorder. Or many of these perfect people, they enjoy the beauty of disorder. In the story of rich man and Lazarus, or the woman caught in the act of adultery, people who were for order are not shown as the ideal models to follow. Their reluctance to embrace mercy (which includes embracing disorder) costs much for them.

No appropriate self esteem is possible without embracing the disorder within ourselves. That is being merciful and loving to myself.



arun simon

A Jesuit with all the crazyness… Loves Jesus…Loves church, but loves to challenge too… Loves post modern philosophy & Gilles Deleuze.. Loves deep conversations…