Biblical Articles
2 min readOct 26, 2020
Some of the articles on Bible are added here. I will try to update the older ones soon.
- The Passion of the Lord — Some reflections
- Taking an inside perspective — Jesus and the man with an impure spirit
- Freedom in Christ
- Unsung Models of faith
- Jesus’ love for Peter.
- Solving Conflicts — A Biblical model from Acts — 15
- The Prodigal father
- Jesus encounter with Zacch
- Jesus & the Canonite woman
- God in the Ordinary
- Gift, Foundation & Neighbour
- Wise & Foolish
- Living out “Our Father”
- Speaking in parables
- Mother, brother & sister
- Martha & Mary
- Ascension of Jesus
- Reflections from the double-portion — A demand of Elijah
- Prodigal Son/Father
- Faith of the Simple Father
- Parable of Talents — Parable of Relationships too??
- The Grateful One — Two questions from this event
- Widow’s mite
- Wine and the wineskins — Duty of a theologian
- The Call vs the One who Calls
- Dynamics of power to dynamics of love — Journey of Peter’s Profession of faith.
- Let the dead bury their dead
- Two sons…and their stories..
- Sabbath in the ten commandments
- Shepherding God — Psalm 23
- Where do I come from? Where I go to?
- An exercise — the essentials of the Bible
- Faith… seen outside the frontier
- Two beginnings in the Bible
- Story of Abraham’s sacrifice
- Looking beyond the most evident (elder son)
- Singing in Joy for the happiness of others (Mary-Elizabeth as a better model than Abel-Cain)
- The lost-parables of Bible
- Miracles in the Bible
- Giving Instead of Misery
- Parable of Talents: A Contemporary Version
- Shame and Honor: Contemporary Lessons from the marriage of Hosea
- Things I can’t transfer or Share
- Two-step Healing in the Gospel of Mark
- Widow’s Mite in the Gospel of Mark
- I thirst
- Doubting Thomas
- The Good Samaritan and the Robber
- Jesus said: “Love Your Enemies”…
- Can you be Mark-like today? (feast of Cana)
- Faith and Mustard Seed
- Peter and Pentecost
- How Gender Inclusive is the Gospel of Mathew
- Leaven and the Shepherd
- Peter of Mark’s Gospel: A model for Christian Living
- Peter — An interesting picture in Mark based on two passages
- Parable of Talents — Invitation to be shepherds and to live life
- Rationality of Mercy
- Salvation and Love (3 parables)
I know that it will be difficult for most of you to access the articles if you are not a paid member. If you are interested in some articles, do send a mail ( and I can always send the free link.
Thank you for reading